Thursday, 16 October 2014
How To Get Free Things From Blogging...
Ok so... whilst I am no blogging expert, there are a few things that I have picked up on from working with Rock On Ruby when it comes to looking for a Fabulous Blogger (or Fabu-Blogger!) I look at Blogs daily and there are certain things that can really catch your eye, or turn you off straight away... So let's see!
Hey Good Lookin', let's make that Blog Sexy!
First of all, make sure your Blog fits in with your individual style. The header, colours and font should give the reader a strong sense of you and your blog from the first glance.
Make sure your layout is clean and professional. This is simpler than you think! You can easily make changes to your blog by Googling how to do certain things like, "make your About Me picture bigger" I did it!! (so proud of myself...) The main suggestion I would make for any blog, would be to widen the main section! Larger images are so much easier on the eye - at least 600pxl wide is so hot right now :-)
So your blog LOOKS good, now what? Get People To See It, Obvs.
Yes, Brands do look for blogs with followers unfortunately, which can suck for "newbie bloggers". But there's not much point having the most beautiful blog in the world if only you know it exists. So get sharing...
Tips to get seen:
1) Tag brands in your outfit posts when you share (you never know, you might get a repost!)
2) Join #Fblogger Chats on Twitter. My fave (and the original) is hosted by @BeckyBedbug on Monday evenings from 8pm. This is a great way to interact with other bloggers & social media addicts!
3) Join The Blogger Programme or eTailPR - an instant way to connect with brands
4) Interact with other Bloggers on Instagram / Twitter by leaving comments
5) Take part in Bloggers Meet Ups, Fashion Events - get your face out there!
Be A Better Blogger.
If you can build up your blog following, page views and post history, a brand will be just as happy to work with you, as your blog will be seen as a credible source with Google.
Whilst you might not be able to control your follower count directly, you do have 100% control over your blog! So make it AWESOME! The main things here are to:
1) Post regularly and keep posts relevant to your blog theme, eg fashion.
2) Post great images wherever possible! Good lighting, clear photos.. BLURRY, DARK AND GRAINY IS JUST CRAP.
3) Spell check!! Seriously, if you can't be bothered to read your own blog, why should anybody else?
Again, this all takes time... but if you're passionate about blogging and enjoy it, then stick with it! If your blog looks great, is regularly updated and sparks interest with other Bloggers when it's shared, brands should see you as a Fabu-Blogger!
Finally, what not to do >
Call yourself a Newbie Blogger.
Expect Free Stuff because you have blogged for 1 month.
Buy Followers.
Just Blog to get Free stuff.
That's it! What do you think? Do you have any tips that you would like to share? Love H x
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