Stop Being So Brilliant...

"O Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay!”

There's a Birthday in the Holly Dolly household this week! And you know what that means... Lots of lovely jubbly treats!

I finally been given the freedom to go shopping guilt-free, after all the Birthday girl will need a present! (The Birthday girl, is in actual fact my sister) but as a designer, she too loves all things bright and beautiful.

So, I have gathered together some gorgeous birthday goodies to soften the blow of old age:

The Bright Side Cards, Rocking Horse Charm Necklace - Primark, £1.50

  - How very appropriate!

The Bright Side Cards - available online, Bird Ring - Primark £2

 I spotted this Birthday card below and it really reminded me of my sister and I when we were growing up... One little blondie and one brunette, raiding mums wardrobe for some 'dressing up' clothes... Sound familiar?!

Love the glasses - so retro, so on trend!

I can't yet reveal what I have got the older sibling for her the big day, but I can show you the fabulously retro paper that I have to wrap it up in:

'Laughing Boy' Paper - Clinton Cards
   And to wish myself 'A Very Happy Un-birthday', I treated myself to the following little trinkets!

Rocking Horse Necklace - Primark As Before (Well, at £1.50 I couldn't leave it behind!!)
Charm Bracelet - - £6

Diamante Rose Ring - Primark, £2
Rocking Horse Necklace (Just Shown) As Before
Oh yes, it's A Very Happy Un-birthdaaay to me, to me, to me, to ME!

I really hope Big Sis likes her present (because she's not getting any of mine!!)

Happy Shopping Dolly Daydreamers xx


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